Friday 30 January 2009

The renovations continue

Hub asked "do you blog?", and I was sorry to say I don't. I spend so much time reading everyone eles's, the forum, the common room that i've never given myself the time to learn how to blog, so here goes.
This is me playing in the children's park in Font Romeau, (well where else, there or the coffee shop).
If this works I'll be back......

Saturday 6 September 2008

Well here I go again...will I work out how to blogg?

Thursday 13 March 2008

I will learn how to blog

I hope this appears on my blog. it may encourage me to become a blogger rather than just commenting on everyone else's

Monday 12 November 2007

Sorry not to have blogged but I lack the skills, I am learning fast though....
Monday starts as always with the 5.15am alarm. Once up and going I enjoy the drive from the Pyrenees Atalantique to the Haute Pyrenees. Ben (son number 2), is fast asleep as I transport him to Lycee for another week of studies. It's so lovely that he's settled and in a class full of Bens ie kids that are ski mad. Ben is studying as an option mountain studies and ski along side his general bacc.
The sillouette of the mountains against a starry sky never fails to impress. I love the Pyrenees they are steeped in history so much to learn.
I'll be back just off to make tea for myself and son number one

Tuesday 9 October 2007

Renovating 17th century buildings

As complete amaturs we started our project over a year ago and don't really feel an awful lot further on... I don't want to put anyone off there dream of starting a project just don't expect it to be quick, unless you have a team of your own buiders