Friday, 30 January 2009

The renovations continue

Hub asked "do you blog?", and I was sorry to say I don't. I spend so much time reading everyone eles's, the forum, the common room that i've never given myself the time to learn how to blog, so here goes.
This is me playing in the children's park in Font Romeau, (well where else, there or the coffee shop).
If this works I'll be back......


CAMILLA said...

Well done Pili Pala, lovely photo, and not only that, you have snow.! Love the snow.

I am way behind with caching up on the site, so many wonderful things to read about here at Purplecoo.

A beautfiul part of the world you live in Pili Pala, I look forward to reading your next instalment.


Pili pala said...

Thank you Camilla I need encouragement x

bodran... said...

Well done AT LAST longer next time and more photos please, seeing as i'm not visiting next month or is it this month ??? it's good to be back on line .

Elizabethd said...

Found you at last...not realising you had two blogs I went to the other one!
Lovely photos.

Ivy said...

Yea a bit confusing as blogg link on PC leads you to the other blogg but well done for blogging. See it's not that difficult is it?
Keep on going
Ivy xxx

bradan said...

Well done! I love the photograph, look forward to seeing more. I really should get blogging too! xx

Pili pala said...

Two blogs??
How do I sort that one out?
I'm glad you like the photo, I've lots more....

Cait O'Connor said...

Good to see you blogging again. Yes it is a special place you live in.