Saturday, 6 September 2008

Well here I go again...will I work out how to blogg?


Elizabeth Musgrave said...

There see, you blogged. Come on, do it again!

Grouse said...

We are waiting with baited breath, PP!

carolyn said...

Keep trying, you'll get the hang of it eventually!

Mrs ElderBerry said...

my dear, thank you for your visit to my blog, now what l should say, is if l can blog, then so can you.

Carah Boden said...

Salut PP - thanks for dropping by at mine and for your lovely comments. I am SO envious of where you live. I was in St Gaudens back in 1985/85 for a year, working in the lycee. I remember all the kids coming in on a Monday from outlying villages in the Pyrenees, staying all week and leaving again on Saturday. I had such a brilliant year there. I left my heart there (and in Toulouse) quite literally. I always wanted to go back and live there and if I hadn't had my degree to finish and a boyfriend to stay loyal to (now my husband!) I would have made Toulouse (or somewhere near) my home. The Pyrenees, steeped in all their history, are so very beautiful (and I, too, am a passionate skier!). Too many happy memories. You are making me feel homesick!
PS, come on then, get on and write about it!